生物质热风炉启动注意事项有以下三大点:一 在上水过程中应检查锅筒、集箱的孔门及各部的阀门、法兰、堵头等是否有漏水现象。当发现漏水时应停止上水并进行处理。当热风炉水位升至锅筒水位计的负100毫米处,停止上水。以后水位应不变,若水位有明显变化,应查明原因予以消除。二 要求整个升温升压过程力求平缓、均匀,并在以下各个阶段检查记录膨胀指示值。
There are three points for attention in the start-up of biomass hot blast stove: First, in the process of water supply, it is necessary to check whether there are leakage phenomena in the pot drum, header orifices, valves, flanges, plugs, etc. When leakage is found, the water should be stopped and treated. When the water level of the hot blast stove rises to the negative 100mm of the drum water level gauge, the water supply is stopped. After that, the water level should remain unchanged. If the water level changes obviously, the reasons should be found out and eliminated.
Secondly, the whole process of temperature and pressure rise should be smooth and uniform, and the expansion indicators should be checked and recorded in the following stages.
Before and after Sheung Shui. When the drum pressure reaches 0.3-0.4, 10. -1.5, 2.0 and 3.9 MPA respectively, check the expansion. If abnormal expansion is found, the cause must be found out and the abnormal situation must be eliminated before the pressure can continue to rise.
三 热风炉的并炉应注意
Attention should be paid to the merging of three hot stoves
1 并炉时保持主汽压力低于蒸汽母管压力0.05-0.1MPA,若热风炉汽压高于母管压力时,禁止并炉。
1. Keep the main steam pressure lower than the steam main pipe pressure 0.05-0.1 MPA in parallel furnace. If the steam pressure of hot blast furnace is higher than the main pipe pressure, it is forbidden to combine furnace.
2 并列时蒸汽温度应低于额定值30.C,保持较低的水位,燃烧稳定,应注意保持汽压、汽温等参数,并缓慢增加蒸发量。
When parallel, the steam temperature should be lower than the rated value of 30.C, maintain a lower water level, stable combustion, and pay attention to keeping the parameters of steam pressure and temperature, and slowly increase the evaporation.
3 在并列过程 中,如引起汽机的汽温急剧下降时或发生蒸汽管道水冲击时,应立即停止并炉,减弱燃烧,加强 水,待恢复正常后重新并列。
3 In the process of parallel operation, if the steam temperature of the turbine drops sharply or the water shock of the steam pipeline occurs, the furnace should be stopped immediately, the combustion should be weakened, the water should be strengthened, and the parallel operation should be restored to normal.
4 并列后,应对热风炉机组进行一次全面检查,并将点火至并列过程中的主要操作及新发现的问题,记录在有关的记录薄内。
After parallel arrangement, the hot blast stove units shall be thoroughly inspected, and the main operation and newly discovered problems during ignition to parallel arrangement shall be recorded in the relevant record book.
5 当给水泵开始供水时关闭再循环用阀门。
5. Close the recirculation valve when the feed pump starts to supply water.